What can I say about poems today?
Well, for one, they never rhyme anymore
And if some "modern poet" today attempts to rhyme usually the poem turns out completely cringeworthy at best
Or it is some "forced" rhyme that completely annoys me
Maybe they shouldn't be poets
Reading these poems makes me want to grab one of those airplane vomit bags and vomit violently not once but a few times
And when the lady next to me in seat 18A looks at me disgusted I want to tell her
"Look lady, I am in a middle seat because I purchased a basic economy ticket
Yeah I don't have an airline credit card
I board in Group 9!
So lady, I am sorry you have to see me vomit but I just read a stupid poem that rhymes which annoyed me"
Sorry but not sorry
For the poetic rhyme can become the box that traps the poet
Just paint the picture
Just flow with the river
Just tell the story
Whether it rhymes or not
Maybe rhymes are not for our times
Great! I just rhymed
Now a new title I have to find
Nah never mind
