Luke 4:25-26 "But I tell you truly, many widows were in the days of Elijah, when the heaven was shut up three years and six months, and there was a great famine throughout the land; but to none of them Elijah was sent except to Zarephath, in the region of Sidon, to a woman who was a widow."
There were many poor widows in Elijah's time
He was only sent to one which seemed like a crime
A time of severe famine and horrible drought
But the road to Zarephath was his only route
Those around him could have said he was wasting his call
Because he only went to one and not to them all
They could have said Elijah forsook God's plan
They could have said Elijah only followed man
Three and a half long years seemed like a total waste
Men must have thought this prophet had been replaced
Maybe other old "prophets" thought he was done
Yet in that time he raised to life the widow's son
His prophetic ministry was not well funded
He only ministered to one and not the hundreds
Others could have spoke and said he had no love
But he had his marching orders from above
There are hidden Elijahs that will one day come forth
They will arise from the south and arise from the north
These humble men and women still drink from the well
And when they arise they will go and shake Hell
But there is a common trap when success slumbers
We can easily get focused only on the numbers
You may not see much fruit. You may want to run
But maybe like Elijah you are called to the one