There was a poor cat
There was a distressed kitty
Via the owners mistake
I will try to be witty
A lady grabbed her feline
She threw it in her bag
But I'm sure for the kitty
Traveling was a drag
She zipped up that bag
She didn't show much pity
But then a TSA agent
Said here kitty kitty
That kitty laid in her bag
Into the x-ray machine
Was that kitty scared?
It seemed kind of mean
This story went viral
On Facebook and Twitter
But what I want to know
Was that bag full of litter?
When I saw the news
When I heard this story
I thought this pet owner
Was in a different cat-egory
We make mistakes with our pets
I'm not trying to be a hater
But what did they do
To that purr-pertrator?
With raising cats
I'm not the wiser
I have an old cat
His name is Tiger
He's turning 14
But when I give a decree
He just meows nonstop
He doesn't listen to me
But one thing I know
Before his life is gone
I would never shove him
Into my small carry on
