Facts are stubborn things A wise man once said Lies are given wings When the media is dead
Balanced and fair? Only half reported Biased everywhere Twisted and Distorted
Ignore those stubborn things The news media said Puppets on the strings Controlled and led
Common sense sinking Like the Titanic Media does the thinking Creating the panic
Fighting truth, that's what they do Day after day we've seen Let me introduce you To the brainwashing machine
Lies replace truth Myths replace facts Blind deceived youth Going off the tracks
Impartial and objective Creates the illusion Biased perspective Handed over to delusion
Facts are stubborn things One thing that's strange New beliefs you can bring But facts never change
Hearing what wise men wrote Throughout our early years We should listen to their quotes And not have itching ears
Facts are stubborn things A wise man once said Freedom truth brings From the lies we are fed