Regarding the "man pageant" held at Hazard High School in Hazard, KY in October 2020
Hazard lights flash In Hazard Kentucky A school assembly there Got a little mucky
Teens in lingerie The school took their chances Where kids offered teachers Seductive lap dances
Assembly turned raunchy With kids at play While teachers did nothing Receiving Hazard pay
You can blame it on the kids You can blame it on the staff Or you can blame it on the principal Who just sat there and laughed
Even one parent denies it Sticks her head in the sand An example of the problem All across our land
They can't close this chapter They can't turn the page They posted these pictures On their Facebook page
The annual "man pageant" Many of us ask why I think it won't continue Over at Hazard High
This WAS a hazard, alright! I can’t believe that they all thought this was ok! 😡