I'm sure people are saying
Society is getting gayer
This gives me a headache
Please hand me some Bayer
We have lost our morals
I don't know what to say
There's even a place in Michigan
The town is called Gay
This small mining town
Established in 1898
One of the Gay founders
Thought the name Gay would be great
I know it is strange
Kind of a mind bender
I wonder if this town of Gay
Is next to the town of Transgender?
Lots of different flavors
Just ask Ben and Jerry's
But will there soon be a town
With the name of Non-binary?
Do they use different pronouns
Like zir, zes and zee?
I'm starting to wonder
How gay can Gay be?
Gay Michigan
You can drive there in your car
But if I were you
I would avoid the Gay bar
I know in today's world
It's not a perfect utopia
But if you don't visit Gay
Do you have homophobia?