Carrots and cauliflower
Bananas and broccoli
Brussel sprouts and beets
I am healthy as I eat
Tomatoes and turnips
Okra and onions
Fuji apples and Five Guys
With food choices I am wise
People question though
About the Five Guys
But burgers are protein
And a vegetable is fries
I add some jalapenos
Because they are the best
I've been told that they
Put hairs on my chest
There is a question I have always had
I don't know if its good
I don't know if its bad
It is a question that has plagued me my whole life
It is a question that has caused me much strife
Does spicy food put hair on your chest
I think I heard it before but I forgot the rest
Some women like it
Some women don't
So some will eat spicy
And some people won't
I heard if you apply an onion topically it can cause chest hair to grow
Whether the onion has to be organic I do not know
I grabbed my Five Guys burger before I would eat
I took off my shirt as I sat in that seat
I took the grilled onions and rubbed them on my chest
People were staring and I didn't look the best
No shirt no service but I didn't care
I had to see if those grilled onions would give me chest hair
I also grabbed those peanuts they give you for free
I started rubbing furiously to see what I could see
But no hair appeared to my demise
I desperately even tried rubbing on my chest my fries
I try to eat healthy unless I go to malls
But sometimes also Five Guys calls
As for hair on my chest I came up with a plan
I started applying Chia Pet to feel like a man
It sprouts and grows just like they say
I just have to water it every day
I still eat healthy and I still think its cool
But now I look different when I go to the pool
People will whisper when I lay out in the sun
But my chia chest hair growth is surely not done
People will always talk if they can about someone
But at least my chest hair won't smell like an onion