Matthew 16:18- "I will build my church and the gates of hell shall not prevail against it."
Who will build His church?
Who is the "i"?
Is the "I" Jesus
Or just another guy?
Is it man's agenda
To the Spirit are we numb?
Are we more concerned
About a church building fund?
Is the "I" the pope
Or some dead saint?
Tell me what it is
And not what it aint
With collecting offerings
You can hear the pleading
But one thing hard to find
Is the church prayer meeting
I will build my church
Do we hear His Word?
Man's wisdom has spoken
That's most of what we've heard
God's will in God's way
No gimmicks to sell
That is the only thing
That will shake the gates of hell
Jesus will build His church
Though man will try and fail
And then the gates of hell
Surely will not prevail
