About this little township I don't know it all
But it was founded by some unique guy named Snowball
Snowball Anderson had called it his home
But when he was there he happened to be all alone
He got asked to name this town and make his choice
But he wrote down "I'm alone" on a blank invoice
So the town Imalone name was here to stay
That town name remains to this very day
If I founded the place and they gave me the name quiz
I would probably name the place "It is what it is"
Or maybe I would name it "Me, myself and I"
With no people in that town you can figure out why
There would be no workout gym in that town of one
So I would have to do a You Tube workout or I'd have to go run
There would be no Taco Bell or Panda Express
And no one to play ping pong with or even some chess
If I ran the place and had my say
I would start an annual Imalone 5k
And each year after finishing I would have a big grin
Because each and every year I would always win
I feel bad for Snowball as he sat alone each day
Nobody really knew if he was straight or if he was gay
Snowball made the most of the hand he was dealt
But the snowflakes of today they would probably melt
Where did the man's name of Snowball begin?
My guess is because it snows up in cold Wisconsin
I never want to live there when I get old
I'd rather live in Florida where it's not that cold
Now what happened to Snowball I just don't know
Maybe he changed his name to Jose down in Mexico
But I do feel bad for Snowball the man
Especially if he was a cheese head Packers fan