I want to go to Jamaica mon
Instead I have to mow my lawn
But if somehow I could be gone
I would travel to Jamaica mon
I want to go see the ocean sun
But gas is way too much mon
Now I sit in my backyard for fun
And then pretend I'm in Jamaica mon
Buying tickets for Jamaica mon
I don't really think I con
Because it really costs a ton
To go over to Jamaica mon
Why do Jamaicans say mon
Do they think it's kind of fon
They could say womon
But I think they favor mon
I don't want to travel to Japon
I won't travel to Afghaniston
I don't want to see the Talibon
I want to go to Jamaica mon
I would eat some jerk chicken mon
Then I would go sit in the sond
Donate to my Go Fund Me mon
Then I can go to Jamaica mon