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Writer's pictureEdward Riederich

Lessons from Samson

Samson was anointed, he had the touch of God

But the enemy sought him out, he followed him where he trod

God had touched Samson's life, He had given him great power

But Samson gave into his weakness, caught off guard in that hour

God had used Samson, he had done many great things

But in being used a target on your back it brings

He had been used to strike down the Philistines

But here's the lesson, let me show you what it means

You can experience miracles and start off strong when you begin

But then you can get tripped up and give into your sin

Samson lost his anointing, it could not be any plainer

In losing the anointing he just became an entertainer

His eyes were plucked out, he lost his vision

All because of his foolish Delilah decision

But Samson drew something from deep within

God heard his desperate cry once again

God could have closed His ears and been disappointed 

But for one last time Samson was anointed

God even heard Samson and gave him a second chance 

God turned back towards him and gave him his glance

There are failures like Samson that have grieved God above

But many of those prodigals will come back to God's love 

Oh where today are the Samsons in our land?

When our nation continually builds on sinking sand 

O God help me to have spiritual eyes to see 

Like Samson prayed O God remember me!

And as I fervently pray may you be pleased by that sound

And let the pillars of the enemy again be brought to the ground

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