Luke 9:59-60 Then He said to another, "Follow me." But he said, "Lord let me first go and bury my father." Jesus said to him, "Let the dead bury their own dead but you go and preach the kingdom of God."
What's dead is dead
What's alive is alive
If we stick with the dead
We will never survive
Remember His Word
Let the dead bury the dead
Some have not heard
What Jesus has said
In following the Lord
We must move ahead
We must leave behind
The things that are dead
Into the unknown
We will be led
To forsake all things
Even what is dead
For God's written word
It is heavenly bread
Hold onto His truth
And what you have read
Look forward with faith
Depart the past that is dead
Leave each disappointment
Embracing joy instead
By the light of the world
We will be led
And those rays within us
They must be spread
We cannot be tripped up
Or even be misled
To stay with the stagnant
Or dance with the dead
Into God's future plans
All of us must dive
But if we cling to the dead
We will never thrive