In those days Noah did not have Google
So with his sermons there was no removal
Noah did not read a book or some essays
On how to grow a church in 90 days
If only he had Google he would have looked
He would have found that "how to build your church" book
His messages today would not be trendy
See Noah's sermons were not seeker friendly
Yes he could have built the ark in quietness
Instead he preached the message of righteousness
If Noah back then had the internet
Then maybe he would not have made men upset
Then people would have responded two by two
But he just did not have Google to review
Then he could have found a pastor's conference
And learned how to preach love and tolerance
Poor Noah seemed like one of the radicals
Except to his family and the animals
Only eight of his family there were saved
As the whole world around him misbehaved
To man Noah did not seem like a success
He was probably told he should preach less
I am sure some said he was not called to preach
I'm sure people got sick of hearing his speech
I am sure society thought it was odd
That righteous Noah chose to walk with God
In those days Noah did more than build an ark
He declared words of warning into the dark
Noah obeyed what the Lord had said
To anothers admiration he was dead
He lived his life to be pleasing to the one
And from the calling of God he did not run
It is a good thing he did not have Google
Then with the truth there was no removal
Those around Noah thought he preached in vain
Until that fateful day it started to rain
We need a man like Noah in this hour
One who preaches with conviction and power
One who does not live for man's approval
Who does not get his messages from Google