The pigeon "Cher Ami" was a hero of World War 1. An American troop was surrounded by German soldiers. American planes began to drop bombs but didn't realize Americans were in that part of the forest. Many of the 550 men died.
They had to get a message to Army headquarters quickly. They had seven pigeons to use to send a message. Five were shot down and one flapped away in fear. Cher Ami was the last pigeon left and the Americans last hope.
On the hidden forest floor of France
The American army took a chance
The American troops crucial decision
It hinged on one homing pigeon
Five birds died and one flapped away
Cher Ami, the last hope of the day
The cage opened and she took flight
She soared as she gained height
Suddenly she got shot in the eye
She fell to the ground but did not die
She flew again and refused to rest
Another bullet hit her in the chest
She fell again but did not remain lying
She gathered courage and continued flying
Her leg was hit and she fell to the ground
But still strength this pigeon found
She did not waver under enemy attack
Twenty minutes later she made it back
She persevered and flew 25 miles
She saved this troop from their trials
We can learn here if we only bend our ear
May we be like Cher Ami and persevere