Pizza or Crossfit?
One I have to miss
One of them is torture
And the other one is bliss
One gives me muscles
One makes me fat
One makes me lethargic
After I eat all that
Am I really dedicated
Or am I a phony
I just have a weakness
For cheese and pepperoni
I should be eating veggies
Like carrots and zucchini
But I can still get veggies
Ordering from Puccinni's
If I had my own way
If I had one wish
I would skip that cardio
And eat deep dish
I have heard it said
No pain no gain
But I also heard it said
Pizza is good for your brain
When I go to Crossfit
I always wonder why
I have one strategy
I'm trying not to die
They torture me on the bike
They abuse me on the rower
They tell me to go faster
When I want to go slower
I think of eating pizza
Delicious and cheesy
Compared to Crossfit
It is just so easy
I have to think twice
Before that slice I will grab
Is it really worth it
Having six pack abs
I tried eating pizza once
Before my workout routine
I almost puked it up
Attempting muscle cleans
Having a good balance
That is a good way
But if I ever indulge in pizza
It will be on a rest day