If I'm ever feeling random
I'll travel to Random Lake
That sure is a random name
Did they make a random mistake?
Deep inside Random Lake
Is there a random Walleye?
If I picked a random month to go
I would randomly pick July
If I visit Random Lake
I'd say hi to random folk
But is this random name
Some kind of random joke?
I noticed Random Lake
It's in a random spot
Milwaukee's randomly close
But some randomly forgot
If I took a random vacation
I would pick a random day
I would randomly go to Starbucks
Hoping a random guy would pay
And on my random day
I would eat some random toast
Then I would read a random review
On a random Facebook post
I would travel to Random Lake
And randomly sit by the shore
I would write a random poem
About eating a random smore
As I sit by that random fire
I might eat a random Frito
And I might get a random bite
From a big random mosquito
I would give a random smack
And see the random blood
Then I would give a random flick
Over into the random mud
Now I close this random poem
About visiting Random Lake
From all these random thoughts
I have to take a random break