In Belarus, the Nazis came to take Jewish families to Auschwitz. On the way,, a brave mother threw her 10 year old daughter over the neighbor's fence. A soldier saw it but pretended he did not see. The girl survived a freezing cold night in the neighbor's barn. She went through many hardships but Jesus was with her through it all. Her mother took a step of courage that saved her daughter's life.
There was a brave mother of Belarus
Soldiers came in times so tense
The grip on her child's hand was loose
She threw her girl over the neighbor's fence
A Nazi soldier saw it with his own eyes
But he ignored the action in her defense
To her mother there were no goodbyes
But she survived this moment so intense
Through the struggles and desperate cries
Trials and tests she could not understand
What God meant for good was in disguise
But He had her in the palm of His hand
What she went through I cannot begin to explain
But her brave mother saved her from the Auschwitz train