In January 2024, two climate change activists splattered soup onto the Mona Lisa. Then they shouted slogans advocating for a sustainable food system.
More in the news about a climate change group
At the Mona Lisa they were throwing some soup
I thought it was pretty ridiculous what I read
But how did they sneak in soup from Panera Bread?
How did they walk in with a bread bowl of broccoli and cheddar
And then throw it at the painting yelling we have to do better?
Broccoli cheddar
No not better
Maybe the soup they hurled was a creamy tomato
Or maybe it was a tasty loaded baked potato
Tell me is climate change somewhere in the Davinci Code?
Did I miss it somehow? Is it enclosed?
Throwing soup it just doesn't move me
Maybe it would be different if they threw a smoothie
A smoothie at the Loovey?
No not groovy
If they threw a latte flavor that I would drink
I guess that would get me to really think
Or maybe if they threw some Boba tea
I would listen to their viewpoint and agree
But throwing soup is just not my style
Look Mona Lisa herself sat there and smiled
As they reviled
Yes she smiled
At a Monet in Germany a couple flung mashed potatoes
At a Van Gogh in London a few tossed creamy tomato
Don't let them Van Gogh to these museums anymore
There is too much clean up required on the floor
I have to say these people seems so rude
They stand for climate change but then waste food
Dude so rude
Yes I conclude