In 2021, a cat named Muji spent 11 days in the ceiling at the New York Laguardia airport. Her owner opened her crate to take her through security and Muji freaked out and hid in the ceiling for 11 days. Finally, a golden retriever named Abby helped find Muji in the ceiling and she was reunited with her distressed owner.
There was a scaredy-cat who was a muji-ician
To find that cat some volunteers had to go on a mission
At TSA security her owner opened up Muji's little crate
Then that cat bolted and did not even wait
First she bit her owner and made a hissing sound
I guess even cats don't like TSA pat downs
She leaped across the Southwest Airlines counter
Then she went up in the ceiling and that's where they found her
People kept calling Muji saying, "Here kitty kitty"
But that kitty wasn't wanting to leave New York City
Muji went into freak out mode and was full of fright
They should have tried to find her with a laser light
That owner was crying, panicked and having a cow
When all she could hear in the ceiling was a faint meow
Finally they sent a dog into the ceiling who was named Abby
With finding Muji she didn't do too shabby
Curiosity killed the cat or so they say
But this cat almost died running away from TSA
This owner knows now if she doesn't want an 11 day delay
Put a harness on your cat because cats never obey