Look there's a worship night
Ok sure let's go
No, uh hold on wait
There's a cost you know
Are you kidding me?
Now I'm disappointed
I really can't afford it
I won't get anointed
I'll try to be nice
But let me be blunt
It's over $500
To sit in the front
For those paying that
Who can afford to hear it
Do you get a prayer cloth
And get baptized in the Spirit?
I know it's good music
It brings a good feeling
But for that crazy price
I better get a healing
Look with my $500
I'll get 5 months at the gym
I'd rather stay home
And praise God with a hymn
I know it costs less
To sit in the nose bleeds
I guess you can purchase
As the Spirit leads
Can you imagine Jesus
Before He gave a speech?
If He sold tickets
To come hear Him preach
In our current culture
Greed is no stranger
In today's modern church
We still find money changers