(Matthew 25:31-46)
We can spend our life in church
Or spend time on our knees
But what have we done
For the least of these?
Have we fed the hungry?
Or visited the sick
Have we missed our chances
Because we were too quick
Have we clothed the naked
Or visited those in prison
Have we shown by our actions
That Jesus is risen?
The Samaritan stopped
The priest walked by
The Levite ignored the man
They left him to die
In the church today
The Spirit still calls
But many Christians just stay
Within the four walls
We can worship and pray
These are important keys
But what have we done
For the least of these?
On this we will be judged
Someday at His throne
Have we reached out our hand
Or have we lived for self alone
Around us are the hurting
Around us are the lost
Will God's love flow through us
Will we truly count the cost?
When your race is run
And when your life is ended
Will Jesus say to you and I
"You were my hand extended"