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  • Writer's pictureEdward Riederich

The "Little"

Doing the little leads to a lot

The little steps lead to conquering the mountains

If you despise the little you will never begin

Small beginnings lead to large winnings

In the words of Robin Williams

"You are only given a "little" spark of madness. You mustn't lose it"

It takes two months to conquer Everest

It cannot be conquered in a day

It is conquered one little step at a time

Our mountains in life take more than a day

The little bad habits can lead us off course by a lot

The 1 in 60 rule

If a pilot's heading is off by a "little" 1 degree 

After 60 nautical miles that little 1 degree becomes 1 mile off course

We inherit our promised lands little by little

Sometimes we can't handle a lot 

Sometimes we can't receive a lot

Sometimes we get overwhelmed by a lot

And sometimes the shortest route is not always the best route

The long route develops patience

It develops endurance

It develops perseverance

In the aggregation of marginal gains

The gaining of the 1% snowballs

Incremental improvements in life lead to significant results

The little gains leads to much

Discouragement can enter in 

When we only see the mountain as a one day journey

Dejection comes in when we don't see the value in the little

Quitting happens when we are impatient in the process of little achievements 

For the little leads to a lot

Through the little steps we can conquer mountains

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