There once was a duck who said quack
He worked as a plumber but didn't show his crack
All his friends went back to school after the summer
But this tenacious duck worked hard as a plumber
Every day he would get up at the quack of dawn
By 7am he would always be gone
With his tools he knew what to take
He always had on him a roll of duck tape
At times he thought this really stinks
As he worked on toilets and as he worked on sinks
At times he felt like his life was going down the drain
But he didn't quack under pressure, he would not complain
When he played poker with friends he knew too much
He always seemed to get a royal flush
This plumber duck worked on his pipes
Other careers were just not his type
But then one day he would stop
He visited a donut shop
He went there with his long lost cousin
There they sat and there they ate a dozen
His cousin asked as they sat there on their rear
Have you ever thought of starting a new career?
Plumber Duck began to question his life goals
As they scarfed down all the donut holes
His cousin told him you can't put all your eggs in one basket
Do you really want to be remembered as a plumber in your casket?
His cousin said you can make more money if you go back to school
Then one day you can waddle out to your in ground pool
Plumber Duck wondered if his life purpose was missed
So he went back to school to become a therapist
He helped many patients gain their voices
He guided their feelings and their choices
He talked through their emotions and their will
Then he sent his customers a hefty bill
Not the bill from off Plumber Duck's face
But the bills that helped fill his account at Chase
To his electro shock therapy his clients had flocked
Some were impressed but others were shocked
But for most clients he just lent an ear
He listened as he sat on his little duck rear
Many came to Plumber Duck to hear his "wisdom"
His bread and butter came from those who played the victim
Though he lived in a twisted system
He was shrewd and used it to assist him
He left the plumbing profession and did not go back
He thrived as a therapist but some thought he was a quack
But for once he seemed to have his ducks in a row
No more working on the pipes below
As a sitting duck the money was now in his court
As he offered his overpriced emotional support
He kept on counseling those down on their luck
But no one ever guessed he was once a plumber duck
