To Bee or Not to Bee
On October 12th a lady named Rorie Woods unleashed a hive of bees on officers who came to serve her an eviction notice.
To bee or not to bee that is the question
One angry lady taught some cops a lesson
These poor officers suffered some affliction
When they came to serve up her rent eviction
With that eviction notice she did not agree
So she decided to resort to plan bee
I saw this and said you can't bee serious
When this lady was bee-having delirious
That whole area was buzzing with police
She did get arrested but then she got released
This lady seemed to be a real buzz kill
Seeing officers getting stung gave her a thrill
This was an un-bee-lievable situation
By a lady who ran a sting operation
It's usually the police who set up a sting
But this sting was kind of her demented thing
In her protected bee suit she capitalized
The question is were the bees Africanized
One officer said he was allergic to bees
She said oh good and thought it was the bees knees
Moving forward she should not have bees as pets
And next time let's hope it's not murder hornets
To bee or not to bee that is the question
To keep her locked up is my humble suggestion