I enter the train tunnel
I walk the long journey
The sun goes black as I enter
The temperature drops as light disappears on a sunny day
The air becomes damp and moist
Tunnel vision in the tunnel of life
Echoes ricochet as I speak
Echoes speak but echoes don't listen
Echoes never contribute to the conversation
It's as if a programmed robot was speaking from the walls
A copycat voice but no heart
I hear a croaking frog
She is content in her solitude
The spectator frog of my life
A voice but just background noise
A sound there for a moment and then that sound grows fainter in the distance
I hear water drops splashing on the tracks
But darkness is all I can see
A darkness so thick I can't see my hand in front of my face
Darkness is part of the journey but only a part of it
In the distance I see a speck of light
The sun will shine again
I was born for the light not for the tunnel
I refuse to get trapped in the tunnel
Sucked into a depressing funnel
The tunnel has a purpose
It brings me through the mountain
It's a path though it is one of darkness
That path will lead to light again