Many preachers today aren't worth a nickel
With watered down sermons and just a tickle
In speaking on righteousness they seem fickle
Hearing these discourses makes my skin prickle
Magicians that make conviction disappear
Fickle feathery fluff that tickles the ear
Where is a prophet? Where is a pioneer?
There is no more trembling and no more fear
Tickle tickle each boring week after week
Tickle tickle with soft messages they speak
Tickle torture is not what I really seek
Another series, a new tickle technique
Tickle tickle it will make many giggle
Tickle tickle in comfy seats they wiggle
Yet the tickle message is artificial
With bringing change not very beneficial
There must be a strong message for the hour
A message of the Spirit and of power
Preaching words not too sweet and not too sour
A message the hungry person would devour
Please stop the torture, do not tickle me pink
Let's be real, these diluted sermons stink
From speaking against sin these pastors will shrink
Yet man's wisdom and man's way is how they think