As I sit on the stairs of the Lincoln Memorial
My thoughts wander
They wander into history
They reminisce to almost 200 years ago
As I look out over the Reflecting Pool
I reflect on our 16th president
I observe a reflection in the pool
Of a towering skinny man
A humble and empathetic man
Who once ran a country store with his business partner
It was failing business
A business going under
In Lincoln's words
The business was "winked out"
One day Lincoln voiced his desire
"I want to study law
I want to buy a book
Not just any old book
But Black Stones Commentary on English Law"
At that very moment
A wagon pulled up
A stranger emerged
A man migrating to the West
He wanted to sell a barrel for 50 cents
He had no money
He was desperate
Lincoln peered into the wagon
Seeing the man's emaciated wife
He felt sorry for the peddler
He felt compassion
He reached into his pocket
Pulling out his last 50 cents
All that he had
Later that evening
He reached his long skinny arms
Into that one barrel
He felt something solid
He grasped it with his hand
It was a book
Not just any old book
It was Black Stones Commentary on English Law
He stood there
Holding the book in wonder
He lifted it up to the heavens
As he did a deep impression came over him
An impression God had something more for his life
He felt God at that moment
He felt God was showing him to get ready for it
That book in the barrel
Of divine providence
It took a desire
That turned it into a decision
That became a destiny
The reflection soon fades
As I rise from my the stairs
I walk towards the Reflecting Pool
My own reflection appears
My own history begins
With desires
With decisions
That become my own destiny