In Argentina In 1950
A little orphan girl
Voiced a little prayer
In her own little world
She prayed for an orange
God moved on a man
To bring a box that day
It was part of God's plan
The man felt compassion
For the orphan kids he liked
He set a box of oranges
On the back of his bike
The man who delivered them
He was not a believer
But God noticed faith
In this child the receiver
Such a small prayer
To this girl it was important
So to God it was to
And He sent her an orange
What seems like little prayers
That will fly away and scatter
To God who hears us
Our little prayers matter
God heard this request
Of the little orphan child
It moved on His heart
It must have made Him smile
If we will pursue God
And seek after His face
He hears even small prayers
He is moved by our faith