I Samuel 13
Saul waited but not long enough
He quit on his faith when things got tough
He did not believe God would provide
But when he had quit Samuel arrived
When men around him hid in pits and caves
Saul forgot that his God still saves
Samuel said, "What have you done?"
From God's will Saul would run
The place of Gilgal means "wheel"
Where we cannot walk by what we feel
When the rolling comes in your life
God looks for faith and not for sacrifice
Sometimes we can doubt what we hear
And wait for a while but then give into fear
We can do whatever we feel compelled
And miss out on the Spirit and do it ourselves
If we stand firm by faith and not shrink
He will show up for us and not let us sink
Will we rise up and answer our call?
Or will we miss out and give up like Saul?